7 Interesting Facts About Sweden

Sweden is a country in Northern Europe known for its beautiful landscapes, rich culture, and high standard of living. But did you know that there are some surprising facts about this Scandinavian nation? Here are 15 crazy facts about Sweden that you probably didn’t know.

1. The country’s name has changed several times

The current name “Sweden” comes from the old English word “Sweotheod,” which means “people of the Swedes.” But in the past, Sweden has also been known as Gothenland, Svithjod, and Svealand.

2. It is one of the largest countries in Europe

Despite having a population of only around 10 million people, Sweden is the fifth largest country in Europe by land area. It is almost twice the size of the United Kingdom and larger than countries like Germany and France.

3. Sweden has a lot of lakes

With over 95,700 lakes, Sweden has one of the highest concentrations of lakes in Europe. In fact, about nine percent of the country’s land area is covered by water.

4. It has the oldest national flag

Sweden’s yellow and blue flag, also known as the “Swedish Cross,” dates back to the 16th century and is considered one of the oldest national flags in the world that is still in use today.

5. The country has a unique drinking culture

In Sweden, it is common to have a small shot of schnapps before a meal, known as “snaps.” It is also customary to say “skål” (pronounced “skol”) when taking a drink with friends or family.

6. Sweden has one of the highest life expectancies

With an average life expectancy of 83 years, Sweden ranks among the top countries in terms of life expectancy. This is due to a combination of factors such as a healthy diet, universal healthcare, and an active lifestyle.

7. The Swedish are avid coffee drinkers

Coffee is a big part of Swedish culture, with Swedes consuming an average of 3-4 cups per day. They also have a tradition called “fika”

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